Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gray Wolf Off Fed Protect List!

Gray Wolf: beautiful animal! It seems like the whole reintroduction project just began. Now they are delisting them from Federal Endangered Species Protection. What's next?

"Gray wolves are now scheduled to lose federal endangered species protection next month. The decision to remove gray wolves from the federal endangered species list.. is one step closer to taking effect after being published in the Federal Register last week. Delisting transfers the duties of wolf population management from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to state and tribal agencies." -Posted by LATimes on April 7, 2009

I just hope we don't find them trained in the crosshairs of hunters trying to make a buck off the fur. I understand a ranchers right to protect his land/herd- within natural logic and reason- but this move might put a price on the gray wolf's pelt.

Proponents of this environmental move say this will help manage the wolf population and defuse anger and animosity over the reintroduction of the wolf into the continental US. Naysayers of this change in wolf status argue their point that survival for this animal remains at a critical stage and could undermine the 'wolf reintro project' back to it's natural habitat.

Is there a happy medium for both ranchers and the wolf? Maybe land owners this time can find a balance with nature, only taking action with regard for our footprint on mother earth!

Aren't we here to observe and protect nature? Just a thought..


Original Story: LATimes

photo1: gray wolf at Wildlife Science Cntr in Forest Lake, MN
credit1: DawnVillella/AP
photo2: Husky 'Stormy'
credit2: MikeNevi

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